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Financial Assistance

Rochelle Broder

Chair, Scholarship 227-2568


There are a variety of financial assistance options to help you further your psychoanalytic education at MPI. Awards are for one year, potentially renewable upon application. Please review these to see which may fit your goals. We invite you to apply! 

Help with Clinical Training

Help for Academic Candidates

Loan Funds for Candidates

Help with Clinical Training

Contact: Rochelle Broder, Ph.D. (248) 227-2568

The Drs. Samuel G. and Geraldine G. Reisman Fund

The Reisman Fund was established in December of 2000 to fund partial scholarships for candidates in the psychoanalytic training program and students in other programs of the Institute. 

The MPI-MPF Scholarship Fund

This fund was established in 2021 to award partial scholarships to clinical non-physician candidates in the Psychoanalytic Training program and students in the Adult and Child/Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (ACAPP) program. Additionally, as funds are available, there may be assistance for an academic candidate. A total of $10,000 is available to be awarded each year to eligible applicants based on financial need and merit. 

The Cassandra M. Klyman, M.D., Scholarship Fund for Psychiatric Psychoanalytic Training

This fund was established to help physicians, often financially burdened by medical school debt, to both deepen and expand their understanding of their patients’ mental lives through psychoanalytic and psychotherapy training. Awards are for partial tuition support. Scholarship recipients will be chosen based on need and merit.

MPI/MPS, Reisman and Klyman Scholarships are awarded by early September each year.

Sterba Fund

Contact: Melanie Schwab (248) 851-3380

The Sterba Fund can sometimes provide support to mental health clinicians for their personal psychoanalyses. Potential grant recipients qualify for consideration if they need financial support to enter, continue or increase the frequency of psychoanalysis. Efforts are made to renew grants to the extent deemed reasonable and necessary for grant recipients to complete their psychoanalysis.

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The MPI scholarship application deadline for each year is June 30th. We cannot guarantee accommodation of late applications.

Academic Candidates

The Deanna Holtzman Interdisciplinary Scholarship Award Fund for Academic Candidates

Contact: Jean Lewis (248) 851-3380

This fund was originally established by Mr. James Grosfeld in memory and honor of Alexander Grinstein, M.D., and is now established by Mr. Grosfeld in honor and memory of Deanna Holtzman, Ph.D. It provides need-based grants to academic candidates who have been accepted for training at MPI. These grants are to help defray costs of training which include personal analyses, tuition and other training-related costs. It is our hope that these grants will allow academics to obtain psychoanalytic training and make contributions to psychoanalysis and their core discipline. 

Reduced Tuition for Academic Candidates

Contact: Rochelle Broder, Ph.D. (248) 227-2568

When the Holtzman fund has been exhausted, MPI will designate up to 3 low tuition slots a year for academic candidates with financial need. Some years, funding may be available to an academic candidate through the MPI-MPF Scholarship Fund.

The Committee on Psychoanalysis and the AcademyAmerican Psychoanalytic Association

This APsaA committee is offering tuition support for academics to attend psychoanalytic training seminars at APsaA-accredited Institutes. An “academic” is defined as a graduate student, independent scholar, or faculty member in the arts and sciences, excluding the traditional clinical fields of medicine, psychology, and social work.

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Loan Funds for Candidates

American Psychoanalytic Association

The APsaA Candidate Assistance Fund provides loans up to $5,000 to candidates training to be psychoanalysts. The loans, to be repaid within a maximum of six years, are made from a revolving fund so repayment is critical in order to continue making loans. Currently, between five and seven loans are made annually.

International Psychoanalytical Association

All MPI Candidates are eligible to apply for interest-free loans through the IPA. Application Deadline: 23 May 2022 The maximum loan in any single application is $5000. You may re-apply up to a maximum amount not to exceed $7000.

As part of MPI, an Affiliate Institute of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA) and the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA), candidates are eligible to join and take advantage of benefits of membership in both APsaA and the IPA, including applying for loans.

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Remember …

You must reapply for financial assistance every year, even if you are continuing in the same program!