Academic Programs


Nancy Kulish, Ph.D.

Chair, Academic Programs 258-0904

The Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute offers a number of programs for those interested in various levels of academic training in psychoanalysis. This collaboration contributes to the mutual enrichment of psychoanalysis and other scholarly fields.

Academics (non-mental health professionals who are scholars or faculty in another discipline in the liberal arts, social sciences, law, sciences, or other medical specialties) are welcome in all the MPI training programs. Two programs are tailored specifically for academics.

The Academic Fellowship Program offers a one-year (renewable to two) honorary opportunity for those established scholars interested in achieving a bridge between psychoanalysis and their own field of scholarship. The Fellow will have the opportunity to meet with a psychoanalyst mentor to further this goal. There are no fees for this program.

The Academic Candidate Program offers interested scientists, scholars, educators, administrators and other professionals in diverse areas the opportunity for systematic study of and immersion in psychoanalytic ideas. Academic candidates generally seek to use the psychoanalytic training to enrich their own fields of study. Academic candidates must be in a personal psychoanalysis with an MPI analyst certified by the American Board of Psychoanalysis (some exceptions are allowed) and pursue the same sequence of courses as the clinical candidates. In addition, for graduation, they are expected to write a paper demonstrating the integration of their interest with the psychoanalytic knowledge derived from their studies.

The Deanna Holtzman Fund for Academic Candidates provides limited financial assistance for tuition, psychoanalytic treatment, and travel. Applications are reviewed throughout the year.