MPS Scientific Meeting February 15, 2025

  • February 15, 2025

  • 2:00 pm  to  4:00 pm

Presenter: Stanley Coen, M.D.

Training and Supervising Analyst, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry,
Columbia University Psychoanalytic Center

Discussant: Kristen Miller Beesley, Ph.D.

Associate Faculty, Michigan Psychoanalytic Institute


February 15, 2025

2:00 – 4:00 PM (Eastern time)

2 CE Credit Hours
($30 per credit hour for non-MPS members) 

**NOTE: Pre-registration is required for this program

The discussant will be attending in person at MPI.

We welcome you to attend in person.

About the presenter and discussant:

Stanley J. Coen, MD, is a Training and Supervising Analyst and has been Senior Associate Director for Academic Affairs, Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, and has been a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis, and the International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. He is the author of The Misuse of Persons: Analyzing Pathological Dependency, 1992, The Analytic Press; Between Author and Reader: A Psychoanalytic Approach to Writing and Reading, 1994, Columbia University Press; and Affect Intolerance in Patient and Analyst, 2002, Jason Aronson. He has published extensively on problems in clinical psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic literary criticism. He has chaired (now co-chairs) the subcommittee on University Forum of the APsA program committee, which has recently produced the outstanding series, Racism in America. He has chaired the Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Psychoanalysis and Literary Criticism of APsA since 1981. He was the 2018 Plenary Lecturer, American Psychoanalytic Association.

Kristen Miller Beesley, PhD is an adult psychoanalyst and associate faculty at MPI. She is the Clinic Director of the Mel Bornstein Clinic, residency site director for the Beaumont/Corewell psychiatric residency at MBC, and adjunct faculty and clinical supervisor at the University of Detroit-Mercy. She is the chair of Continuing Education for APA’s Division 39 (Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology) and she has a chapter in the forthcoming edited volume, Parenting Psychoanalysed: Letters to a Parent, planned for release by Routledge in Spring 2025. Dr. Beesley is in private practice in Farmington Hills, Michigan.

Practice Gap/Need and Course Description:

Colleagues do not understand how racial erotics can be used for self-affirmation by those who have felt oppressed. With patients and colleagues, we do not tolerate the excitement of racial erotics, instead shut it down. With patients and colleagues, we do not understand and tolerate rage used for self-affirmation in those who have felt oppressed. We have been overly eager to ignore/dismiss resilience in those traumatized. We have been unwilling to catch our own ethical failures with patients and colleagues.

After attending this presentation, participants will be able to:

1.     Examine and better tolerate the excitement of racial erotics when used for self-affirmation, without needing to suppress or repress the feelings.

2.     Explain and then predict the expression of rage in individuals who have felt oppressed, including both patients and colleagues, when this rage is used for self-affirmation.          


The Michigan Psychoanalytic Society is an approved provider with the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative.


The Michigan Psychoanalytic Society is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Michigan Psychoanalytic Society maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The views of the speakers do not necessarily represent the views of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Society.